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The Best Funeral Hymns for Funerals in Sheffield

Funeral hymns are popular song choices for funerals. This doesn’t matter if the service is religious or not. Many people growing up became familiar with these songs and find comfort in the hymns at a funeral.

Hymns are often joyful and uplifting and they certainly do not have to be sad. That said, hymns can be a perfect way to celebrate the life of your loved one.

Our list of best funeral hymns for funerals in Sheffield

Our list runs through some of the most popular funeral hymns that we hear in and around Sheffield. We have also embedded videos for you to reacquaint yourself should you need to. The lyrics can be easily downloaded and included in your funeral programme.

How Great Thou Art

How Great Thou Art is based on an old poem and apparently set to the tune of a Swedish folk song. It is one of the most popular funeral hymns and will certainly be familiar to attendees of the funeral.

Going Home

Going home Is a joyous and modern funeral hymn is adapted from Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9. Of course many of us will (including me) will have never heard of Dvorak but the fact remains Going Home is a beautiful way of saying goodbye.

Morning Has Broken

Surely everyone has heard this song. It is our favourite on this list of best funeral hymns. Written in 1931, many will have grown up singing this hymn at school (including me). With a cheerful melody and hopeful lyrics, Morning Has Broken is a song about life and renewal, that may sound strange to some but it works very nicely indeed. Morning has Broken is another example of an uplifting funeral hymn.

All Things Bright and Beautiful

A close second when it comes to our favourites. This hymn is well known and sung in many different churches within Christianity. This is another funeral that people sing to celebrate life as opposed to the sadness felt at funerals.

The Lord Is My Shepherd

This is another well-known hymn. Whilst possessing a message of guidance the hymn still manages to be positive and provoke happy memories. This hymn is definitely recommended for non religious funerals as so many people will at least recognise the melody.


A wonderful hymn for so many reasons. This hymn can be a perfect funeral hymn and certainly worthy of a place on this list. Often used at sporting events (Cricket stands out) many people believe Jerusalem should be England’s national anthem. We will not be drawn on that on these pages but with its powerful lyrics and well known melody, Jerusalem is one of the best funeral hymns.

We hope you enjoyed this post on the best funeral hymns for funerals in sheffield. If you have any comments or further ideas please feel free to comment below.

If you have more questions or would like answers to different questions, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact the friendly team at Fair Cost Funerals.

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